The new series follows Frasier Crane in the next chapter of his life as he returns to Boston, Massachusetts, with new challenges to face, new relationships to forge and an old dream or two to finally fulfill. Catch up with Frasier in this 2-disc DVD set that includes every episode from Season One plus an exclusive gag reel.
Physical Description:2 videodiscs (272 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
"A revival and a sequel to the 1993-2004 sitcom Frasier featuring the character Frasier Crane, played by Kelsey Grammer."
Widescreen (1.78:1)
Special features: exclusive gag reel.
Formatted Contents Note:
Disc one. The good father -- Moving in -- First class -- Trivial pursuits -- The Founders' Society -- Disc two. Blind date -- Freddy's birthday -- The B story -- The fix is in -- Reindeer games.
Creation/Production Credits Note:
Written by Joe Cristalli, Chris Harris, Stephen Lloyd, Lauren Houseman, Bob Daily, Farhan Arshad, Sasha Stroman, Miles Woods, Robb Chavis, Janene Lin, Jenna Martin, Naima Pearce ; directors, James Burrows, Kelly Park, Kelsey Grammer, Phill Lewis, Victor Gonzalez.
Participant or Performer Note:
Kelsey Grammer, Jack Cutmore-Scott, Nicholas Lyndhurst, Toks Olagundoye, Jess Salgueiro, Anders Keith.